Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Roses, roses, everywhere!!

Random Fact #2: I have a thing for roses! Inside, outside, upside down...my home is filled with roses with a scattering of other posies for good measure. Upholstery, lampshades, artwork, perfume bottles, needlepoint, linens, vases, candles.....all with my beloved roses! It's only fitting we have finally settled in The Rose City, Portland, Oregon!!

My favorite outdoor rose? Sunsprite. It's nearly trouble free and has the most delicious rose scent with a hint of lemon. I don't bother with roses that don't have a scent. I don't care how pretty a rose is, if it doesn't have a scent I don't want it in my garden!! Oh, if you could only breath in the scent of my garden on a warm summer evening!! Roses and gardenias and Angel's Trumpet......sigh. Simply heaven on earth.

Warmest rose filled bear hugs, Aleta


Anonymous said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE roses...BUT I have never had much luck growing them. They never do well for me...is there a secret you would like to share? The deer love mine...perhaps THAT's my problem :)

Anonymous said...

Aleta - it still amazes me that you can have gardenias and Angel Trumpets in Oregon. I live in South Florida and we have 3 gardenia bushes that are 30 years old and just gorgeous. We also have a couple of Angel Trumpets (peach colored) and I just love those flowers. When the gardenias, the Angel Trumpets and the Confederate Jasamine are all blooming this time of year, it is heaven! With that said, roses (which are my favorite) have a really tough time with the heat, humidity and insects. Even the roses that are supposedly "engineered" for warmer climates only make it a couple of years. Only when we have an unusually cold winter, do they really flourish. So I over compensate by having roses all over the house in varous forms. I am totally besotted by pink roses.