Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A Pink Wednesday sunburst!

A lovely Pink Wednesday to all of you peeking in!! I just took this picture moments ago in the midst of a sunburst. A typical Northwest spring.....raindrops and sunbursts throughout the day. One thing I did notice though, the blossoms on this rhodie are much smaller this year than in past years. Blame it on our unseasonably cool weather. They may be small but they're still just a beautiful!!

I know, I know, I'm supposed to be on the sofa. Shhhh. We'll just keep this between you and me. ;o)

Warmest pink bear hugs, Aleta


Nancy said...

I'm glad you aren't on the sofa! We couldn't enjoy such beauty...thanks for the pretty picture Aleta!

Hugs, Nancy

Anonymous said...

How GORGEOUS is that?! Absolutely perfect... too bad they don't have a scent (or so little, I guess). Wow! I've never seen one that lightly tinged with pink and so beautiful. Excellent picture!
Hope you are following your doctor's advice and taking it easy for this week. Have fun at your class and with your sis!