Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Filling in the spaces!

The artist merchandise has arrived!! Yay!! Now it's time to fill in the displays!!

Ooooh, lots of lovelies to delight the eye! Lots of layers of color, beginning with Easter pretties..a mix of pastels and brightly colored blossoms. As you move around the shop you get a rich saturation of color to excite the senses.....artwork by Lisa Kaus, Tammy Gilley and Jan Chandler. Simply fabulous!!

The colors then soften into muted shades. Taupe and white with mixed metals infused with bits of color here and there. Ahhhhh.

There's a little something for everyone! Antiques and mixed media art combined. Love it, love it, LOVE it!!

Only a few more days now.......!!!!

Warmest bear hugs, Aleta

P.S. This event and the April 21st event are held inside. June and August will will have added vendors outside and around the barn!


Brenda said...

Hi Aleta,
What beautiful pictures! You must be so excited you could almost burst. Hope you have your camera ready to go for Saturday cuz we all want to see EVERYTHING!



Theresa said...

Every thing looks simply Lovely Aleta. :) I'm so excited for you!!!! I'll be thinking of you on Saturday wishing I could be there to see all the color and beauty that you've managed to collect around Flourishes.

Big Bear Hugs,


Nancy said...

Aleta...everything is looking just fabulous! I love the little dress form...how much? Oh, I am so jealous...I want to be there!!


The Farrier's Daughter said...

Just wanted to wish you the best of luck this weekend! Looks like things are coming together nicely. Can't wait to see it all in person.


The Farrier's Daughter

Anonymous said...

Looking good, Lucy! :) I am so glad everyone got you their products and I can't wait to see it all put together!

Love, B

Karen ~ Cider Antiques said...

Beam-me-up Scottie! (I mean Aleta). Boy I wish we could jump into your blog on the 15th. Someday Brenda and I will attend one of your shows. Have fun on Saturday! Karen

Laura Lynn said...

Wow Aleta!!! Everything looks simply wonderful! You certainly have a talent for "putting it all together"!!

Diane Duda said...

You said it! Fabulous!!!
