Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Bits of Pink Wednesday!

Only bits of pink today! Glass beaded flowers in lovely old bottles from Julie Verburg, The Withies, and dainty blue Marie Antoinette shoes with touches of pink from Karen Otto. Scrumptious!! Karen also sent a couple of her lovely journals along.

Oh, and that picture of water droplets on the blades of grass......would you believe I'm growing grass in roasting pans in my diningroom? Yessirree bobaroo!! Roasting pans full of grass!! Oh, the lengths I go to for display!! Ha!!

A divine pink Wednesday to you!!

Warmest bear hugs, Aleta


Brenda said...

Oh Aleta,
Grass in your roasting pans - My cats would eat it and think they were in heaven this time of year LOL!
I want to see all the pictures but it makes me sad I can't see it all in person :( Take care.



BumbleVee said...

yeh....I don't see the magic wands anywhere either....where are they? .... we need a couple of those. How on earth will I get there without some magic??

Sarah said...

My cats would be munching on it too! I love the water droplets and what gorgeous eye candy!

Hugs, Sarah x