Sunday, June 10, 2007

No pity parties!!

One of the reasons for blogging, to me, is so that family and friends can see what's going on in my life. I realize that my last post was a bit of downer for some of you. My Mom even called me on Friday to say she was sorry that the Storybook Bears weren't being received well. (She's just the greatest Mom!!) My point was not to have a woe is me pity party.

I think an important part of my post was missed. I'm not a person to wallow in "Woe is me." I'm much more of a "Let's find a silver lining here!" kind of gal. There is always a silver lining to be found!! I went back to the place my bear business began. Ebay. Perhaps my current collectors aren't interested in this new line of bears. Who do I think I am anyway, thinking that my current collectors will just LOVE everything I do? I needed a good grounding!! And I got it!! ;o) This is me you see....with all my strengths and weaknesses. One of my greatest strengths is the ability to keep moving forward and taking with me what I've learned.

Okay, now onto pretty things!! A few posts back I mentioned that I was going to Fabric Depot for fabric to cover an old wicker chaise I found at Monticello. Well, my mission was accomplished!! I picked a pretty pink and white check upholstery fabric. It's a perfect balance for a room filled with florals and polka dots!! It will be soooo pretty. Now you know I'll share a picture when it's done!!

Gotta dash off now. I'm on a mission to find a child size tea pot!! Have a marvelous Sunday!!

Warmest bear hugs, Aleta


Brenda said...

Hi Aleta,
I love your blog and one of the things that draws me here is your positive attitude. I can't wait to see a picture of the wicker lounge - it sure looks comfy!
I have a huge collection of child size dishes in reproduction pink carnival glass - the only think I'm missing is the child size pink glass teapot. I've never been able to find one. If you ever stumble across one, would you let me know. It's for the granddaughter I hope to have someday. I bought Corson a complete Peter Rabbit china tea set, complete with table cloth and silver wear and SURPRISE - he loves it and so far it's still intact LOL! Have fun looking for your teapot.



Anonymous said...

Ooooh...I love that just have the best taste and find the coolest STUFF. I can hardly wait to see it all finished. Hurry up... :o)

Kitty Hugs...and I still have them ALL!!!! ;D (evil grin)

Aleta said...

Hurry up? HURRY UP? You're killing me here, Shantell!! Ha!

You're going to have to send me a picture of your pink dishware so I know exactly what I'm looking for!! The Portland Antique Expo is July 14 and 15th. There will be 1850 booths this year. If I have a picture I might just be able to track it down!! An added sister and niece will be here to help me with the hunt!! You just never know what you're going to find!! :)

Warmest bear hugs, Aleta

Anonymous said...

Oh pressure...I have never said patience is one of my virtues. I get so excited to see what's coming next and I can't wait. So I'll go sit with my little china tea set from my childhood and have a tea party and wait. Oh wait a sec, that means I have to retrieve it from my mother's house. Dang!!!

Patiently waiting, or rather trying to,

Unknown said...

I think those Storybook bears are just adorable Aleta and I can't understand why you're having a problem selling them. I think you should just keep at them and you'll find that they will be snatched up quickly at maybe your fall online unveiling?

P.S. That chaise is gorgeous!