Thursday, August 16, 2007

An unexpected detour.

Try as I might, to finish those four bears, I keep getting detoured!! What now?? I'm painting the master bedroom!!! I know, I know. You're thinking I'm a raving ADD lunatic. Well, perhaps I am. I have no less than seven projects I'm working on all at once. Okay, not at once, at once. But, they're all in various stages of completion. Notice I said completion. That's the positive vibe here!!

Why am I painting the master bedroom? The long and short of it: Ordered new mattress. Same old fashioned brass bed frame since 1984. (Not the same mattress though.....eeeew.) Oooooh, pretty canopy bed frame in the store. Wanted a canopy bed since I was a little girl. An all grown up canopy!! It's being delivered on Tuesday. Aack!! Bedroom color is all wrong for the new bed. Psssst. New bed=new bedding=wrong wall color. I know, you're rolling your eyes at this point. It's okay. I would be too. Ha!!

A painting I will go, a painting I will go.....hi, ho the dairy-o....a painting I will go. Warmest spa blue bear hugs, Aleta


BumbleVee said...

no "rolling" at is sometimes cheaper and easier to paint the right colours to match the perfect bed and bedding!

Better you than me though.... luckily my attempts don't pass muster..except for the baseboards before we nail 'em on.... my DH is pretty much a perfectionist and loves to paint..(I consider that a good thing). I don't really like the smell of it much either.... ick.....

Wendy said...

ooooh sounds yummy are a requirement when done! :)

Aleta said...

I did take a before picture!! I'll post a before and after in about a week or so when the bedding comes in.

Warmest bear hugs, Aleta

FrostingsNSparkles said...

Looking forward to the before and afters! :) I get sidetracked like that too ;) My husband always tells my kids not to stand still too long, or I'll paint them LOL