For everyone who entered my little bit of New Year's folly.....Bless you and thank you for your post!! My wish for you is for all your wishes to come true!!
Also, on a side note, I was privately asked why I don't do one of those drawings where you get your name in twice if you post that I'm hosting a giveaway. Well, here's the thing....I'd rather give sweet little things to those who peek in frequently or find me by happenstance through someone else's blog favorites sidebar rather than because they're popping by to win something free. You know what I mean? :o) Call me quirky about things like that.
Now onto those WIP's!! Oh, just look at all those bears!! You see, I have been working! Because of my ADD tendencies, what starts out as a couple of bears soon ends up to be a bevy of bears. So, you won't be surprised to learn I started two more large bears last night....all drawn and cut out, ready for pinning and sewing. Ha!

Oh, and I'm having second thoughts as to what room I'll use for the nursery here. I'm thinking about repainting the pink guestroom and making that the nursery instead. That way there will still be two complete guestrooms with their own bathrooms. It makes so much more sense. This way the sweet little jelly bean will have her very own room and she doesn't have to share when guests come to town. I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner!

Warmest Monday bear hugs, Aleta
Hi Aleta!
I'm so happy to have been picked from the hat for your giveaway, I'm truly delighted I love the little Tuck-In bears, what a great start to the New Year!
I like the basinette and can't wait to see what it looks like when you've worked your magic on it. Wishing you all the best for 2009!!!
Hugs, Ginie-Lee
Congratulations to the winners!!!! Aleta... I can't wait to see all the bears finished. :)
I'm sooo happy to win one of your bears!!! I agree with you about the contest. Adding links and counting entries takes all of the fun out of just giving:)
I can't wait to see what the new nursery will look like...and the bassinet too. You must have TONS of energy!!!
Have a great week Aleta:)
whoohoo!!! Yippie!! I won!! Thank you thank you. I'll emial you my address!! CUTE bassinet!! I agree with the way you think, about giveaways. Take care...love your booth at Monticello!! laurie
Those bears looks SO beautiful Aleta. Can´t wait the see them finished. I love that little one in the dress.
Hugs, Tina
Hi Aleta , Didn't you feel like you were in some weird Groundhog Day type movie when you saw that snow? Oh No - Not Again! Thankfully it was just a scare. But your poor pool- Oiy is right! Take care , Sue
Congratulations to the winners.
I love the bassinette and it will be beautiful after you do your magic.
Sorry about the pool and rain and snow.
Take care Aleta and stay warm
How lovely to see you WIP's Aleta! A new crop for 2009 ... what a treat!
Sorry about the pool, but, you're right, with a little grandbaby on the way how can 2009 be anything but wonderful!?!
Can't wait to see how you transform the bassinett and all of those faceless bears. :)
Oooh, looks like some beautiful bears Aleta. Love the red, very nice.
Wow Aleta! Your Bears In Progress are gorgeous! Love the red one!!
As for the bassinett... so cute! That sweet little one will be a lucky girl!
Snow here too, 20"... gosh! I need a snwomobile!
Monica x.
Can't wait to see the WIP's completed. I know the bassinet will be precious. Good luck with all of your projects and be sure the post pictures.
Hi Aleta, Congratulations to the gals! Enjoy your pretties :)
Your poor pool! what a sad sight. My pool is only 1 year old and I can't even see it under all the snow, right now.
I can't wait to see your stunning grand-baby room. I know it will be amazing!
Good luck with the Doctor's evaluation :)
~ Karen
Congratulations to all the winners. What a great way to start the new year you lucky ladies.
Aleta, it is always a pleasure to check out your blog...always beautiful, fun and interesting. I would agree with you about how you do your give-aways, too.
Beautiful bassinette and I'm sure it will look like it was made for a princess when you're finished. What a lucky little girl to have you for a grandmother. I definitely see spoiling in her future.
Awful about your beautiful pool, but I'm sure you will make something wonderful out of such a sad mess.
Can't wait to see what you do in the coming year.
Hugs, Marlys
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